About Us
The NDMC Officers’ Club was originally formed in the year 1993 at 36, Mahadev Road New Delhi and later in the year 1994 it was relocated at 64, Ashoka Road. The club was then shifted to E-1/1, Satya Sadan in the year 1996. It was in the year 1998 that the decision was taken to make the optimum use of the existing building around the Nehru Park swimming pool and create a small sports complex for the recreation and welfare of the NDMC officer’s and the officer’s residing in the close vicinity. Later, in the same year the NDMC club was shifted to the present location and officially registered as a society with the registrar of societies.
The renovation work finally started in October 2003 under the aegis of Civil and Electrical Department of NDMC and various changes were suggested and implemented as the work progressed. The work of the ground floor was completed in December 2004 except the Bar which was completed in March 2005. The facilities to include recreational and sports activities akin to any other club/Institute were also introduced alongside the renovation work to provide basic amenities to the members. The club was re-registered as ‘Palika Services Officers’ Institute’ on 16 February 2005.
The Institute today has reached a mile stone where it has established its identity. As we know that refinement is a continuous process, in an endeavour to widen the scope of the Institute and expand the existing infrastructure for better interaction amongst the members to bring in a culture and attract participation of the members and their families it is envisaged to create a small shopping arcade of general Interest. Sub Committees (e.g. Sports Committee and Entertainment Committee) may be formed to actively plan various events for a particular calendar year to maintain the rhythm. Introduction of certain vocational activities will also generate interest amongst the members.
The success achieved in establishing the Palika Services Officers’ Institute is a stimulant to exhibit latent desire to expand the domain for the welfare and recreation of people. Due to the paucity of space at Palika Services Officers’ Institute it is proposed that the facilities like “Multi Purpose Hall” created at Kaka Nagar by NDMC for the same purpose may be linked with the Institute as an extension for its operation and provision of staff to render services to the members.